My name is Roshawn Cason
My name is Roshawn Cason
My Story
I never thought I would be in the Beauty field; I can see why and how. My Mom was the definition of Beauty, From the inside out. She would not go on the porch without her looking like what I would say a fully bloomed beautiful rose.
For me now to be in the industry, I was groomed at a young age but didn’t even realize it!
BenRoe Beauty was founded in 2020 by Myself Roshawn Cason in Dallas Texas. I have always been in the healthcare field; I was always interested in making people feel good with a gentle touch. I attended Esthetician School in Dallas at Ogle 55. After school I opened my suite the day, I received my Licensed.
After a couple years went by, I the made the decision to come back home to Columbia Missouri in 2023, where I have become a welcomed Spa in Mid-Missouri.
BenRoe Beauty LLC is a spa, that will give you the Luxury experience in and out of the Spa. That means you can come to us, or we will travel mobile service to you. (within a certain radius) BenRoe Beauty goal is to focus on self-care, relaxing and good skin therapy. BenRoe Beauty offers a wide menu and events. I look forward to servicing existing and new clients.
(A question I am always asked) How did I come up with my name BenRoe Beauty?
Answer: My brother’s name is Bennie and Mine name is Roshawn, so I just put both our names together Ben Ro
"Loving yourself will never get old."